CarlsCloud™ - Six CISSP Mnemonics for Domain 2: Asset Security

Non-Government/Public Data Classification Levels: "Penguins Swim Peacefully, Chasing Piranhas"

9 months ago   •   1 min read

By Carl Ballenger, CISSP
Table of contents

Creating funny and catchy mnemonics can make memorization more enjoyable and effective. Here are some revised mnemonics for CISSP Domain 2: Asset Security.

Information Lifecycle Stages:

"Crazy Unicorns Singing Sweetly At Dawn"

  • Create
  • Use
  • Share
  • Store
  • Archive
  • Destroy

For Government Data Classification Levels:

"Uncle Charlie Sits On Top"

  • Unclassified
  • Confidential
  • Secret
  • Top Secret

For Non-Government/Public Data Classification Levels:

"Penguins Swim Peacefully, Chasing Piranhas"

  • Public
  • Sensitive
  • Private
  • Confidential
  • Proprietary

Principles of Privacy:

"All Cats Obsessively Track"

  • Accuracy
  • Consent
  • Openness
  • Transparency

Data Retention Concepts:

"Monkeys Love Swinging Daily"

  • Minimum Necessary
  • Legal Compliance
  • Securely
  • Destroy

Asset Management Practices:

"Incredible Owls Clap Happily"

  • Inventory
  • Ownership
  • Classification
  • Handling

Data Security Controls:

"Eagles Always Make Terrific Dives"

  • Encryption
  • Access Controls
  • Masking
  • Tokenization

I tried to incorporate some unique and funny catchy phrases to help you with concepts for Domain 2 - Asset Security. Definitely not an all inclusive list, but this should help in conceptual level study for Domain 2: Asset Security.

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CarlsCloud™ - Six CISSP Mnemonics for Domain 2: Asset Security

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